Docking Center Question

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  • #31487
        In the Docking Center, I noticed an input for Cable and next to it an input for Satellite. This information is stamped near the connector. To the right is another connector that is covered by a rubber cap and it is stamped what appears to be R & B. The connector looks just like the cable connector. What is it for?

        Posted: 1:42 PM – Jul 24, 2013
        My Lifestyle LS37cksl says “bed sat” on one, “cable/antenna” on the next one and “living room sat” on the third. Nothing with R&B

        Posted: 2:27 PM – Jul 24, 2013
        Running_Bear wrote:In the Docking Center, I noticed an input for Cable and next to it an input for Satellite. This information is stamped near the connector. To the right is another connector that is covered by a rubber cap and it is stamped what appears to be R & B. The connector looks just like the cable connector. What is it for?

        Ours has the same thing and I always thought it was for the bedroom satellite and the one in the curb side storage compartment for an outside TV.

        Posted: 4:18 PM – Jul 26, 2013
        Yes the one off to the riaght by itself is a sat. feed to the bedroom

        Posted: 6:15 PM – Jul 26, 2013
        Thanks. I did look at what the plastic plate said with a magnifier. If that one goes just to the bedroom where does the other one go to that is directly to the right of the cable? What does R & B mean? “B” must mean bedroom, but what about the “R”?

        Posted: 8:02 AM – Jul 27, 2013
        “R”. =. “Rear ” in entertainment center behind the main tv, or in cabinet above, below, or to the side of tv that has the receiver in it. Generally you can stack a sat receiver in the cabinet shelf above or below the factory receiver.

        Posted: 5:12 PM – Jul 27, 2013
        Thanks very much.

        2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
        Breckenridge, TX

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