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- Suicide steps
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#0, by defiant, 01 December 2012 09:09 AM
Now I am not Lifestyle owner as of yet (2014 is our target for fulltiming) but my biggest complaint is that darn step down out of the bathrooms and the step down on the floor plans that have the washer and dryer in the slide out , it has turned us away from some of the floorplans which we like very much, hopefully some of these new floorplans will address this issue, I have to assume that they have lost some sales from older buyers, stepping out in the middle of the night or after a day of wine tasting ( hehe ) might be a little hazardous . I am 51 and the DW is 50 so we are looking longterm as we plan to fulltime until we are unable to do so
Scott & Linda 2005 Winnebago Adventurer 2010 Jeep Wranglerramburgy
member – rookieRe: Suicide steps
#1, by ramburgy, 01 December 2012 09:15 AM
If I understand what you are talking about, all fivers have steps in that area. You might be better served by a travel trailer.
Rich & Millie2011 Ford F350–2011 Cameo F37RESLS
Re: Suicide steps
#2, by defiant, 01 December 2012 09:36 AM
Rich, I don’t have a problem with the stairs, just the one where you step down out of the bathroom, virtually every 5 ver out there has the bathroom exit/entrance on the hallway level , and not a step up/ step down , now the LS37IK and LS34SB and the 35 Floorplans are the exceptions but Ls34 and 35 are too small for us so that leaves us with the LS37lk for now…..we will wait and see what they come out with in the new floorplans
Scott & Linda 2005 Winnebago Adventurer 2010 Jeep Wranglertraveler
Re: Suicide steps
#3, by traveler, 01 December 2012 10:33 AM
Steps are a concern as you get older, on our Cameo we only have steps going up to the bath-bedroom area and at this time not a real problem and we are both close to 70. Our problem is the steps coming into the trailer. I’ve been looking for a four-step option from the 3 steps we have now and have not found anything on the market. I’m thinking on making something, out of wood that I could add on, but not sure how to haul it.
2011 Cameo 34SB3
2008 Chevy D/A Trailer Saver BD3 Mor/Ryde pin box IS Suspension, Disk Brakes Nev-R-Lube bearings
Nights Camped 2011 165
Nights Camped 2012 142boywonder
Re: Suicide steps
, by boywonder, 01 December 2012 11:09 AM
Take a look at the link below and the attached photos. This is what I built for us.
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bzvkp2 … Y5ZjNlYmU1
It can be built using the hand rails or not. With the handrails removed and the leg supports removed, everything fits flat between the tail gait and the hitch and I can still hook-up and un-hook with it laying there.B.W.GENTRY
Re: Suicide steps
#5, by traveler, 01 December 2012 12:15 PM
Thanks so much, this is exactly what I was looking for.
2011 Cameo 34SB3
2008 Chevy D/A Trailer Saver BD3 Mor/Ryde pin box IS Suspension, Disk Brakes Nev-R-Lube bearings
Nights Camped 2011 165
Nights Camped 2012 142joelchn
Re: Suicide steps
#6, by joelchn, 01 December 2012 04:55 PM
An idea that might also work. They sell steps for dogs that are too short to climb onto a bed. They are I think 3 steps high. I also have a set so I can climb into my hot tub at the house. I think they range $20-$30 and might be able to work alone or in conjunction of the RV steps. The steps shown are great, but seem to be more permanent.papacliff
Re: Suicide steps
#7, by papacliff, 03 December 2012 09:58 PM
Defiant, I’m new to RV’s, but I did a ton of looking before I bought. I have a Cameo with the “suicide steps” out of the bathroom. I think the door opens that way because the bathroom is opposite a slide. With the door opening down the steps, you can get in and out of the bathroom with the slide closed. If the door opened the other way, You’d have to open the slide for a mid-travel pit stop.
Joelchn, I like the idea of the dog steps, but make sure you check the weight rating. I wouldn’t trust my weight on something made for a Shih-Tsu.defiant
Re: Suicide steps
#8, by defiant, 05 December 2012 04:28 AM
Papacliff, you might be correct on that step out of the bathroom , but wait a minute DRV has slide across from Bathroom too….oh well we will see what the new floor plans look like soon.
Scott & Linda 2005 Winnebago Adventurer 2010 Jeep Wranglerdefiant
Re: Suicide steps
#9, by defiant, 05 December 2012 04:35 AM
Now we would really have something if we could design handrails for the stairs that would attach to the stairs and to the hand rail of the trailer and when you were ready to travel you could unbolt, and fold up something like those RV ladders…….hmmm maybe I should give it a shot
Scott & Linda 2005 Winnebago Adventurer 2010 Jeep WranglerPosted: 7:55 PM – Dec 14, 2012Looking at some other ideas on the outside steps I found this web site, might be a way for us to go.
Posted: 5:57 PM – Dec 16, 20124 steps definatly are an improvement sometimes that last step is a doozy on the 3 steppers, but still some sort of hand rail that could be attached to the stairs would be a godsend to many of the older RVers out there.Posted: 3:54 PM – Dec 21, 2012Hahahaha I had to laugh at this topic. I have missed that step coming out of the bathroom in the midle of the night myself..I went kinda flying down the steps almost tumbling to the floor. My dear woman asked ..what the &%$^%$ are you doing!!! scared the heck out of her. LOL some people have added some type of low light sourse under the lip of the steps to light them up for those late night bathroom visits.
But I will tell you now ..you take one tumble down those steps and you become very awear of them . I have also missed the step just coming out of the bedroom heading to the bathroom. So be carfull with those suicide steps!!!!Posted: 5:06 PM – Dec 21, 2012wanaBretired wrote:Hahahaha I had to laugh at this topic. I have missed that step coming out of the bathroom in the midle of the night myself..I went kinda flying down the steps almost tumbling to the floor. My dear woman asked ..what the &%$^%$ are you doing!!! scared the heck out of her. LOL some people have added some type of low light sourse under the lip of the steps to light them up for those late night bathroom visits.
But I will tell you now ..you take one tumble down those steps and you become very awear of them . I have also missed the step just coming out of the bedroom heading to the bathroom. So be carfull with those suicide steps!!!!SEE ? i’m not the only one !! Stairs ARE EVIL , thats why I prefer elevators, but I’m thinking they just wouldn’t be worth the aggravation ….LOL
Posted: 6:49 PM – Dec 21, 2012I installed two battery operated motion sensor lights on the slide adjacent to the stairs, and works great for night time as our washroom is one level down from the bedroom
Posted: 7:28 PM – Dec 21, 2012rwb_wl wrote:I installed two battery operated motion sensor lights on the slide adjacent to the stairs, and works great for night time as our washroom is one level down from the bedroom
Now that is a great idea , good old American ingenuity
Posted: 9:29 PM – Dec 23, 2012Just knew I couldn’t be the only one who ever fell down those steps in the middle of the night!! But, boy!, did I feel stupid when it happened! Truly very lucky that I wasn’t hurt. Once that happens, you will never forget to take them carefully. And we always leave the microwave light in the kitchen on at night now. I really like those stair lights one member came up with. Will have to put that on my list of “wants”, from my sweet DH. It looks like something he can accomplish. Merry Christmas all! PKPosted: 12:50 AM – Dec 24, 2012Phillip did a custom job. I bought a pair of RVNight Owl lamps that shine down and across the carpeted stair. I am presently recovering from a broken leg, unrelated to the RV, but go to great lengths to prevent another fall.Posted: 8:07 AM – Dec 24, 2012On that note …. you would think that Lifestyle would have them installed at the factory on those models with that stepdown out of the bathroomPosted: 3:28 PM – Dec 26, 2012Outside entry steps J-S-I Makes a 4 step that bolts in with out any mods.Thet are located in Elkhart I N 574-2622399Posted: 10:44 AM – Dec 27, 2012I too have “slid” down the stairs in the middle of the night. The wood air flow grate will do a number on your heal when you slide down that step. I really like the lights that were added by another member.Posted: 5:59 PM – Dec 28, 2012Thankfully, our plan (2011 37CKSLS) has a door from the bedroom to the bathroom so we never have to go down the steps during the night. Usually the “suicide step” is the one inside the entry door that is below the floor. I’ve heard several people say they have accidentally stepped down into it. We actually like that step because our little dogs won’t step down into it with the door/screen closed–they just sit there and look out, and are far enough from the screen that they can’t scratch or tear it.Posted: 6:26 PM – Dec 28, 2012The drop at the entry door does take getting used to. We had a friend mis-step and go down. She was okay but we’ve taken to mentioning it whenever we have guests leaving. Gets a little repetitive but beats someone breaking their neck!Posted: 8:41 PM – Dec 28, 2012I am so glad our “New” rig doesn’t have that step well. It was a neckbreaker to say the least.
Although our cats used to hide in it and attack the dog (85lb lab) when she walked by it!B.W.Gentry
2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
Breckenridge, TX
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