In 2012 I saw the need to try and help & assist all “Original” Carriage owners with a means for support since it was no longer available from Carriage Inc. Since Lifestyle was an exact clone and a lot of their owners were previous Carriage owners, I decided to include the Lifestyle Brand in with our Owners Club & Forum. We first started out as just a forum. It was originally Carriage Owners Forum that was run by an “Admin Jim”, who in 2012 abandoned it, again leaving Carriage owners without help. I soon knew that more was needed other than just a forum and created the associated Owners Club. This way important information, documents & Files, and other resources could be preserved and archived for all current and future owners of Carriage & Lifestyle RVs.
Lifestyle was a sub-division of Evergreen also located in Middlebury and had numerous subdivisions and brand names & models. When Carriage folded, nearly all ex-Carriage employees went to work for Evergreen under the Lifestyle Division. The reason being, Lifestyle was an “Exact” clone of the Carriage. Frame, Suspension, Materials, Build Quality, and so on. A lot of the earlier Carriage owners that were needing to upgrade at the time, bought the Lifestyles from 2013 until 2017. In 2017 Lifestyle (Evergreen, Inc.) fell to the same demise as Carriage and went out of business.
Our Goal, Our Mission – To preserve and protect all Carriage & Lifestyle Documents & Files and permanently archive them for Carriage & Lifestyle RV Owners. Provide assistance, help, and solutions for issues/problems that occur with our RVs. Your membership fees provide this ability to assure all owners of a continued protected source.
If you’re not yet a Member, PLEASE consider becoming one. Join us to help with our Mission.
In order to be a Member of the Owners Club, You must register HERE as a Basic or Gold Level Member. Fill in all “Required” Personal and RV Information.
Membership Fees are to ensure the Forum & Owners Club’s existence and survival for years to come for current and future Carriage or Lifestyle owners.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Most users are unaware of the Cost & Expense required in providing & maintaining a Website and Forum of this quality.
We welcome Guests and Owners of All Brands 5th Wheels to become a Member. All Members have the ability to View, Read, and Post on the Forum. Our Forum is the most active 5th Wheel Forum on the Internet averaging 90 to 100+ members online during any 24 hour period. Our membership totals are growing daily with new member registrations. Our Members are the most Friendly and Helpful with a vast amount of knowledge of 5th Wheel RV’s.
We can save you $ Thousands $ in repairs
- Hundreds of Friendly, Knowledgeable, Helpful, Active Members increasing daily.
- 400+ Indexed Documents and Files
- Image and Video Illustrations in Forum Topics
- Owner Manuals and Brochures for Carriage, Lifestyle, Alfa-Gold, Bay Hill, Bay View, Tesla, and other brands of RV’s
- Extensive Vendor’s, Parts, and Suppliers List
- Archives ( Photos and Documents )
- Extensive How To Video Section (14 for Maintenance, 7 Repair and Replacement, 2 Projects, 8 Tips and Information)
- Tow Vehicle Documents and Files (Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, MDT’s, HDT’s)
- Extensive P.O.I. Library (Thousands of Points of Interest and Locations)
- FREE RV Tracker Program (RVing Record Keeping Software)
- RVing Calculators and Apps (Truck Sizes, RV Weighing, Truck and RV Combo, Weight Calculator, Tire-Inflation Charts, Tire-Inflation Calculators)
The Owners Club & Forum was recently combined on the same site and requires only one login. The forum was established in December of 2012 for the purpose of providing support for owners of the “Original” Carriage Brand and the Lifestyle Brand 5th Wheels by Evergreen RV Inc. that is no longer in business but has expanded into what it is today for All Brands. It also includes the Bay Hill, Bay View, Tesla, and the Alfa-Gold 5th Wheels. The new Lifestyle brand is modeled after and extremely similar to the Original Carriages in Design, Appearance, and Construction. All brands share common similarities, components, and issues.
Our Owners Club is where our Club & Forum’s Documents & Files (Misc. Doc’s & Files, Carriage related Files, Lifestyle Related Files, Maintenance-Repairs-Fixes Files, Vendors-Parts-Supplies File) are located. Also, our Video “How-To” Library, P.O.I. Maps Library, Member’s Location Map, Members Traveling Map, Calendar of Events, Club Newsletter, Club Store, and Member’s Blogs & Travel Journals Page, Member Logo Decals, Member Club & Forum Business Card Templates are all located in the Owners Club. There are lots of things still being planned and in the making.