2011 Carriage rear stabilizer question

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  • #30382
        Recently I buckeled the rear statbilizer guide rails (don’t ask), any idea of who manufactures them? I have looked at both lippert and Ultra Fab and both have similiar ones. I would prefer to put the exact same one back. On another note, it seems like I should be able to contact and RV junk yard for stuff like this, any one know of a good one? Thanks

        Posted: 7:33 AM – Apr 26, 2017

        This place is just east of Joplin, MO. They have a large inventory, but I have no idea if they have any Cameo’s in there.

        The next people I would talk to would be Tiara: https://www.tiararvsales.com/parts

        Posted: 10:13 AM – Apr 26, 2017
        Thanks, I will give them a shout

        Posted: 11:30 AM – Apr 26, 2017
        I did the same thing a couple of years ago. My solution was to bend the arms back and weld some stiffening metal (rebar I had laying around) to the arms and spray paint them black.

        Posted: 8:59 PM – Apr 26, 2017
        It was actually the rails that attach to the coach’s frame that buckeled. The part that the threaded rods ride in. I will probably just need to take it down and weld some plate on it. Thanks though

        Posted: 7:23 AM – Apr 27, 2017
        I am still looking for the original manufacturer of the rear stabilizer. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks

        2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
        Breckenridge, TX

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