Bigfoot main control panel

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  • #72926
    van islandervan islander
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      After removing batteries for the winter and keeping them on a float charger, I reinstalled them in my 5’r and then went to lower the jacks to the ground ,the Bigfoot control panel appears to be dead , nothing lights up , everything in the trailer appears to be working except the Bigfoot control panel . Is the fuse for the bigfoot system the 30 amp one the comes out the control panel box next to the battery disconnect switch ? That fuse appeared to be blown , so replaced it and still nothing lighting up on the panel , is there another fuse I am missing ? All was well when I put the trailer away for the winter, any ideas out there ? Thanks.

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    • #73145
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        I think you now know everything  you need to get a solution from BigFoot.

        I think (guess) is that all there is supposed to be is one + and one –  which you have.   That allows the push button screen to turn on, and then send/receive signals back via the other two wires that appear to be dead.

        Bigfoot should be able to help you.


        I hav had very good help from Roy on west Florida but there have been health issues lately.

        If no luck with main tech support try Roy at

        +1 (863) 619-8617 or mobile

        +1 (863) 838-4614

        or his tech Brian at

        (863) 852-0261

        Best of luck.

        Based in Florida except summer
        2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

        van islandervan islander
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          Thanks John, you have always been a big help here on this site .

          van islandervan islander
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            I have to say what a great guy Roy is , he has his own business and does not work for Quadra , but he took the time to help out with my Bigfoot problems . I have had to order a new control panel and sensor, was a

            lot of cash especially when our Canadian dollar is only worth around  70 cents to the US dollar , oh well I needed it !  Thanks to all that helped here .

            van islandervan islander
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              Got the new Gen 2 control panel and sensor, came with a switch for the power and a keyfob, everything is working as it should, but the keyfob , the display says it is activated but nothing happens when I try and use it, anyone have a Gen 2 setup with the feyfob ?

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                hope try 2 is what you want.

                Based in Florida except summer
                2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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                  I have the info but the photo of it won’t upload. i need to convert it.

                  Basic fyi, the control panel shuts off reception from the remote by default, you need to scroll down the menu to turn it on. There is more to it than that so you should probably wait until i can get a pdf.

                  Based in Florida except summer
                  2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

                  van islandervan islander
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                    Thanks John D 222

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                      I took my 2011 out of winter storage and the screen lights up but only raises and lowers the front jacks.  Rears retract but won’t extend.   Any thoughts?  Thanks

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                        a bad solenoid or wiring that controls the down solenoid. There are 2 solenoids at each leg.  One controls up and one controls down.

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                          a bad solenoid or wiring that controls the down solenoid. There are 2 solenoids at each leg.  One controls up and one controls down.  Or just a bad connection.

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                            Doubtful that both rear down solenoids went bad at once, but could happen.

                            Other very recent posters have mentioned that connections at solenoid have corroded or broken off, and identified where to buy replacements.

                            Cummins, can you have someone operate the Bigfoot control rear up and down while you put your ear near the rear Bigfoot?  Usually (but not always) when a solenoid goes bad you hear a click when first touching the up or down of the non-operating direction.  That means 12 volts is getting to the signal side of the solenoid, but the high amp internal connection is not making a good connection.  If you tap the solenoid with a small hammer when someone is holding the down button, that may stimulate a good connection.  If you do not initially hear a click, have the “operator” of the control panel take their finger off the down for a second or 2, the press down again, repeat a few times – maybe you will hear it after a few tries.

                            I do not know for certain, but I do not believe there are separate fuses (or circuit breakers) for the up versus down, nor the front versus rear.

                            If the rears go down but not up, I would say the cutoff pin-switch at the Bigfoot is stuck in the up (stop sending high amp juice to BF) position.  That is not your situation.


                            Based in Florida except summer
                            2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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                              Let me try sending photo by pm

                              Based in Florida except summer
                              2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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                                see attachment

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                                Based in Florida except summer
                                2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

                                van islandervan islander
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                                  Got it , thanks John D

                                  van islandervan islander
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                                    I think the reason my Gen 2 system went south was there was suppose to be a switch installed to shut off the power to the control panel and sensor, this was not done a the factory, the constant power to both those units may have caused the failure according to the Bigfoot service tech, the new kit came with a switch so it is installed now and everything is working fine !

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