Carriage keyless entry

  • Creator
  • #33014
    van islandervan islander
      • Topics - 44
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      I just changed the battery in the key pad outside by the door, the key pad is operating ok, but now the key fob is opposite , open locks the door and lock opens the door, any ideas out there??

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    • Author
    • #33017
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        No idea what type of battery, but suspect you put in in with + side and – side reversed.

        Based in Florida except summer
        2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

        van islandervan islander
          • Topics - 44
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          Yes I checked that, but thanks for the suggestion.

          van islandervan islander
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            Found the problem, I had the door contacts out to check the wires, had to replace the connectors as they used too large ones for the wire size, replaced with right size connectors and soldered with heat shrink,but when I put the contacts back in I must have reversed the wires, works as it should now .

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