Creaking and cracking noise when hitching/unhitching

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  • #30829
        I have seen this subject discussed before on the “other” forums. Thought I’d bring up the subject here to get any further feedback or news.
        I notice that when we hitch up the Cameo to the truck I hear a lot of creaking and cracking. I noticed some on my old Lippert framed fiver, as well.
        Just wondered what everyones take on this. The Cameo is so well covered around the pin box I don’t think it will be possible to easily inspect it. Thanks, Phillip

        Posted: 6:14 PM – Jan 21, 2013
        We have the same model, but 2008. Don’t notice the sounds. Is it heard while outside or inside? Any feel from where the sounds are coming?

        Posted: 6:51 PM – Jan 21, 2013
        We hear it outside from the front cap area while standing on the side at the Big Foot control panel when retracting the front jacks. Phillip

        Posted: 7:00 PM – Jan 21, 2013
        We don’t have bigfoot, but can’t think of how that would matter. Is it a “new” sound, or something from day one?

        Posted: 8:27 PM – Jan 21, 2013
        Pretty much from day one. It occurs as the weight is transferred from the landing gear to the hitch. Phillip

        Posted: 8:35 PM – Jan 21, 2013

        Wonder if it’d be worth hitching up and having it videoed w/sound to share. My boss is usually the one who pulls up the front legs and I’d ask her to compare w/ours. We can only describe what ours does as “typical”. Sorry not much help at this point.


        Posted: 12:28 AM – Jan 22, 2013
        Does everyone who has this problem have the radiused fiberglass panel running up the front of the trailer by the front jacks, and extending out under the front overhang?
        I know I have, and I am hearing the same bangs and pops also. I am thinking its the cracking of the fiberglass panel when the frame flexes. I don’t have any visible cracks yet and hopefully I won’t, but I have watched closely when I operate the jacks, and I don’t see anything else that could account for it.Sheff

        Posted: 5:06 AM – Jan 22, 2013
        My 32FWS has been doing that from day one as well.
        Nothing to worry about, I think all 5er do it.
        It just the frame and surrounding plastics groning to the change in geometry and weight transfer.

        Posted: 6:14 AM – Jan 22, 2013
        Mine creeks too and I’m with Kevin on this….just weight transfer and nothing to worry about…..matter of fact I creek like that sometimes when I standup….

        Posted: 7:42 AM – Jan 22, 2013


        Mine is 2010 and I predate the radiused panel. I have sheet metal that angles abruptly at about 115 degrees where the chin meets the throat of the front of forward storage. I had assumed that the radius you have was put in place to allow mere steel framing where the chin of the overhang meets the throat. You at least have space for it.

        I have pulled both large panels to inspect the welds and see nothing amiss. I could see a few places where I would have put some larger pieces of steel, and a few places I would have liked to see some, but adding that may have made that part too stiff and less “flexing,” transferring more force to the joint where the throat meets the chin.

        When I asked on the yahoo forum if Lifestyle was doing the strengthening differently I got the following reply.

        — In, “” wrote:
        > The frame has additional transverse members. The chin leading up to the pin box has been beefed up with more gussets in the transition areas. The wheels have been spaced apart slightly for better tracking when in tow. All US Steel, built in house.
        > I saw a frame being fabricated at the factory.
        > Dave
        > Sent from my EVO
        > —– Reply message —–
        > Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 06:44
        > Subject: [Carriage_RV] Re: Tampa

        sheff69 wrote:Does everyone who has this problem have the radiused fiberglass panel running up the front of the trailer by the front jacks, and extending out under the front overhang?
        I know I have, and I am hearing the same bangs and pops also. I am thinking its the cracking of the fiberglass panel when the frame flexes. I don’t have any visible cracks yet and hopefully I won’t, but I have watched closely when I operate the jacks, and I don’t see anything else that could account for it.Sheff

        Posted: 8:49 AM – Jan 22, 2013
        I also have the creaking noise from day one and after 2 1/2 years of full timing I just don’t worry about it anymore. I still check my fiberglass for any cracks a few times a year which would surly show some signs of problems going on if there were any. If there was too much flexing going on without a doubt the fiberglass would be cracking somewhere.

        Posted: 11:20 PM – Jan 22, 2013


        Now the real question would be:
        Have you tried to hitch up while the panels were pulled?

        That might help answer the question.

        Maybe in the interests of science we could persuade you to pull the panels again and test out the theory.

        Oh well never mind, I’ll crawl back into my hole.


        Posted: 7:53 AM – Jan 23, 2013


        You make a good point. No I did not, but maybe should have for a different reason. On the Yahoo Carriage forum, a string entitled “Tampa Report” submitted by fiverbob contained photos of where his frame failed, and another poster spoke in some detail as to how Lifestyle has beefed up the pin framing and moved the axles a bit. My point being that his frame failure showed no signs of rust, which is what I was looking for. The clean crack in the main side beam was exactly where I suspected reinforcement was needed.

        Let’s call the main front to back beams “rails,” and the side to side connectors floor joists “joists”. I know that those joists do more than hold up the floor. They strengthen against torsional twist and a bit of vertical strength to the rails. No the most forward section there are gussets (small flat steel triangles) welded into the interior corners. In the most forward section there are 2 pieces of channel iron between the joists; also with gussets. In the next section back, there is only 2 pieces of flat steel welded between the joists – these are about 2/3’s the height of the rails. So the. Front three joists are tied together well, albeit I would rather have seen more steel between joist 2 and joist 3. 5erbob’s frame cracked right behind joist 3. There are no connections between joists between any of the joists between there and the vertical throat where the chin meets the forward storage framing. Lifestyle has added more gussets the the joints at that point.

        Trying to find out how many more of the joist to joist areas were strengthened and with what.

        To your point about lifting with the panels off, my cracking and creaking is way more guttural and higher up than the sheet metal panels. However, it might have revealed the beginnings of a stress crack that does not show rust.

        A fair amount of caulk and trim needs to come off before you can remove the access panels. Maybe 1.0 hour. Three times that to put it back together with caulk and fixing broken screws. If you are going to drive to a welding shop, the trim needs to be put back on (without caulk or panels), to keep the fiberglass walls in place, and insulation under the bedroom removed (you will need spray adhesive when you go to put it back in). With my panels, you will have an air gap of about 4 inches all across the top of the forward storage. With the newer radius panel, your entire front end is open.

        Posted: 8:47 AM – Jan 24, 2013
        Tom (A to Z)
        Been a full timer since 2000, even other brands do the same. Pretty normal with the transfer of weight from the hitch pin to landing gear.

        Posted: 8:51 AM – Jan 26, 2013

        I have heard noises, cracking, hisses, bongs and more from my present and two others 5th Wheels that I have owned and I believe it is because of the transfer of weight. Years ago I had my first rig back to the dealer and then to the manufacture for noises that no one could identify, nothing was found to be abnormal. The rig must flex, twist and bend due to their design (IMHO). The fact the Lifestyle has added additional gussets in their design of the new 5th Wheels, could mean that they have done something to the frame that requires them to add the additional gussets for support. Every noise we hear does not mean something is wrong, it is just something we do not understand and perhaps that is what is wrong.

        I don’t have the answer, just thinking out loud.


        Posted: 9:26 AM – Jan 26, 2013

        warthog wrote:I have heard noises, cracking, hisses, bongs and more from my present and two others 5th Wheels that I have owned and I believe it is because of the transfer of weight. Years ago I had my first rig back to the dealer and then to the manufacture for noises that no one could identify, nothing was found to be abnormal. The rig must flex, twist and bend due to their design (IMHO). The fact the Lifestyle has added additional gussets in their design of the new 5th Wheels, could mean that they have done something to the frame that requires them to add the additional gussets for support. Every noise we hear does not mean something is wrong, it is just something we do not understand and perhaps that is what is wrong.

        I don’t have the answer, just thinking out loud.


        I agree and being the “very particular worry wort have to know how everything works kind of guy”, I can’t help it! Nothing gets past me and I’m just one of those that keeps a close check on everything. Never hurts to put out ones observatoins so see what everyone else thinks.
        I feel better now knowing that I’m not the only one. Phillip

        Posted: 10:16 AM – Jan 26, 2013


        We are all “Worry Worts”, we want to keep our Families Safe and protest our investment in our equipment. When we all share and talk things over it makes things look and feel better. It also alerts us to possible problems “THANKS”.


        Posted: 1:11 PM – Jan 26, 2013

        warthog wrote:Phillip,

        We are all “Worry Worts”, we want to keep our Families Safe and protest our investment in our equipment. When we all share and talk things over it makes things look and feel better. It also alerts us to possible problems “THANKS”.


        No DOUBT! That is why I LOVE this forum and don’t think I could own an RV without the benefit of it. Thanks to all who particapate and offer their experience and advice! Lets all keep up the good work here and don’t forget to “support” those who who keep this forum up and running. It’s worth every penny! Phillip

        2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
        Breckenridge, TX

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