Domani DF302 Slideout Adjustment

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  • #67803
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      Owner of 2008 DT302 and the Dining Room Slide is not operating properly. The top is off kilter and is not retracting when first enacted. Meaning the bottom is retracting prior to the top. After jiggling the slide room, it will retract but then not fully seal on the bottom. Appears to be out of adjustment but would like some info on the Manufacturer and then some operating instructions on the adjustment of the slide. Does anyone know of the manufacturer so I can look up the schematics on the proper unit? Or info on the adjustment of the slides? This is an awesome platform but it is rather difficult maneuvering around the sight.

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    • #67804
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        You’re in right column. Check out slide outs in general forum, several posts there.

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          if this is the first time you are using it this season, the rubber seals often take a set over the winter and make the slide out do all kinds of crazy things that will settle out with a little 303 on the seals and a few openings and closings.

          baby powder (can you believe it,) on the slide walls or rubber seals reduce friction as a quick fix before the 303 and multiple operations.

          use the search feature. But also easy to go by forum main menu/all topics, on the outside/ slide outs…. Most recent summaries won’t get you there unless your timing is right.

          Based in Florida except summer
          2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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