Equalizer Failure

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  • #58038

        I have a 2011 Cameo 37CKSLS.  On our return trip yesterday from a 3 week outing I noticed the unit listing to the left.  We got to an independent RV repair service  on route who identified broken rubber components in the equalizer for the spring suspension system.  He was not able to find a part number nor find a compatible replacement in his catalogs.  He believe it may be a MorRyde equalizer.  The RV repair owner/manager has not seen this configuration before and anticipates the the repair will require cutting off the welded mounts and welding new ones compatible with updated MorRyde systems.

        I have submitted a photo to MorRyde for their identification.

        Has anyone on the forum had experience with this problem?



        2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
        Breckenridge, TX

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      • #58039
        Tim BarrTim Barr
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          I replaced the drivers side rubber equalizer in the spring of 2018 as my coach was listing a bit – the full wall slide is heavier than the door side slide. You can call Mor-Ryde or e-trailer for replacement parts. Here’s a link to the LRE manual https://www.morryde.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LRE-Owners-Manual.pdf

          I have 7,000 Lb axles, if yours are the same the part # is PT108-020 here’s a link to that part on etrailer – https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/MORryde/MR79UR.html

          I did the replacement myself, not too difficult with the proper tools, the main one being an impact gun.


          Denis DunderdaleDenis Dunderdale
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            Tim Barr is spot on. I suspect that the RV Manager is steering you down the wrong road, however. That steel box that he’s saying he needs to cut off, and weld back on is actually the steel hanger frame, which is indeed welded to the main RV frame. Your issue appears to actually be the rubber shear spring, which is inserted into the hanger box and bolted into place with 8 bolts (4 on each side of the box).  Unless the steel box is actually damaged (it’s pretty stout), don’t let him cut it off of the frame. I would call Morryde and see if they can direct you to a repair shop that is familiar with their system. It’s a good system.  Keep it and replace it, or a have a competent shop do it.
            As Tim Barr said, if you have a means to ack the trailer and jack stands to support it, and a. Impact wrench, it’s not too difficult of a job. You may want to have Morryde send you a new set of wet bolts though. I rounded the nuts off of mine with my pneumatic impact wrench. Don’t do that. LOL. Good luck.


                Thanks to both of you for your helpful responses.  MorRyde responded to my photos and provided the same information as both of you provided.  I am relieved that no cutting/welding is needed.  MorRyde provided parts info for the Part108-o20.  The steel box is not damaged so I am OK on that score.  I have the 7,000 lb axles and yes that full slide is heavy and that is the side where the failure occurred.   I was impressed with the knowledge and responsiveness of MorRyde.


                2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
                Breckenridge, TX

                Tim BarrTim Barr
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                  Denis is also correct about the wet bolts, get the kit, if your rig isn’t already equipped it’s a necessary upgrade, and if it is, it’s handy to have spare parts on hand, for not very much money.


                      MorRyde recommended the wet bolt kit and it will be included in the repair.



                      2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
                      Breckenridge, TX

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                        I have a 2007 Cameo 35SB3

                        It has a Mor Ryde RE suspension. Had a failure while on vacation.

                        The Mor Ryde upgrade for RE was available from E-Trailer

                        The Mor Ryde install manual instructs you to cut-off the existing hangar box and to weld the replacement box onto the frame

                        The links to the springs are heavy duty and are wet bolts

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                          edschumann I have the same trailer and caught my rubbers before they failed. Mor Ryde sold me directly the rubber blocks and the wet bolt kit and took me an evening to put in at my shop. There is different Rubbers so you will have to find out which ones you have but Mor Ryde was unbelievably nice and helping me get the right parts.

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