HDT info

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  • #29721
        A&J’s Carrilite
        Does anyone here pull with a HDT? I’ve had several conversations lately with fellow fulltimers/parttimers that have Volvo’s of different configurations. Looking for pro’s and con’s.

        Posted: 12:18 PM – Aug 21, 2013

        I’m guessing not many on this forum are pulling with a HDT. I have seen a few roll into a park and my first thought was, “maaaan I wouldn’t want to have to drive that thing everywhere”. I have a hard enough time with my MDT getting into straight in parking and in National parks. I’m always looking for a parking spot in the back of the lot at stores. The brighter side is I get more exercise walking from the back of the lot LOL. We tow our little Honda with us most of the time but the few times I didn’t tow it I sure missed it.


        Posted: 1:39 PM – Aug 21, 2013
        I have been pulling with a 2009 Volvo 670 since March this year. I used to pull with my 2006 F250.
        Go to http://rvhaulers.ca/ this fellow is in Alberta and has been converting Volvo for a while now. Has a tons of info and video on his web pages.
        I purchased mine on line and have been converting it my self.
        The escapee forum list also had a HDT page full of info.

        2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
        Breckenridge, TX

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