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- We’re thinking about moving up to a HDT. In our short fulltiming journey, the Dodge dually 3500 is performing OK, but not as well as I had hoped for.
Weight seems to be the biggest factor. It pushes when it wants, its lags behind when it wants, it has its own mind.
The Dodge is custom built for towing- transmission upgrades, engine upgrades, tire sizes, last Dyno’d at 468hp, 1000tq -It gets the house moving fine-Stopping is ok with an exhaust brake, aftermarket (larger) rotors, brake pads etc. The truck brakes like a sports car when not towing.
But when you have twice the weight pushing you downhill to a red light, and cars are moving into your lane that you originally left plenty of room for yourself, the pucker factor becomes higher than what I want.
So anybody have one? Had a problem fitting into any spots?Posted: 9:29 PM – Dec 26, 2013What would you like to know A&J?
I have been pulling with a HDT for a year now. I belong to the escapee forum, lots of good information on the HDT portion on the forum.
Lots of info one what you need, modifications, singling, licensing, ext….
You can fit into most places that you were able to go with the pickup. I have lost a few nice camp sites because I am not singled and have my hitch right at the back. There is a learning curve in backing up, cuts much faster than a pickup.
Fuel is about equal or better in the hills worse on flat land. Nice part is you have 300 gallons on some rigs so you can fill up when and were you like. New pickup 50 to 75 thousand good for 200,000 miles or so depending on how hard you push. Used HDT 15 to 40 thousand depending Mine was 30 unconverted..Mine had close to half a million on it, should be good for another half million befor any major work. I did the hitch and deck myself, and have not singled it yet. You can find one that has been fixed up all ready for fairly cheap. We are haveing a east coast rally in april located in Crossville Tenn. You should try to attend to get all the info as well as tours of all the HDT there. Good times and you do not have to have a HDT to go.Posted: 9:58 AM – Dec 27, 2013I’ve read about 50 pages of the HDT forum on Escapee’s., Been thru Jack Mayers site, read Mark and Dale’s site, and most all the others.
Even found Virgil’s truck for sale down in the Keys..(that would be a hard choice- live in the Florida Keys or fulltime!) Just digging for all the info I can on the “Is it right for us” part.
And the questions- Better to buy someone else’s rig and “try” it out for a year? I know we want to carry a Smart, so that leads to- Single long- short-mid? Mid looks best, most proportioned. I like the 610-630 cab height, but does the taller make any aero difference? It would be cheaper to buy Virgils truck, than build one from scratch, and either idea is alot cheaper than a new F450 or Dodge 3500.
I don’t mind shifting gears, but will the other half? Haven’t gotten that answer yet.
Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!Posted: 10:56 AM – Dec 27, 2013Go with a full auto, Ishift if possible.
Have a look at Gregg Shields web site (RV haulers) he has a priceless series of videos on how to do it yourself or what to ask for when contracting the work yourself,plus he has some for sale from time to time he in fact built Jacks current truck singled mid.
As far as manoeuvrability mine is singled short and easily turns inside of my 2wd F250 with the hitch as far behind the drives as possible I have found it swings sooner and faster then using a pick up.As you will see in Greggs videos a object 6′ in front of the truck can easily be missed at full wheel cut.
The 12 speed transmissions make excellent fuel economy possible ,I get 9.5 MPG this exceeds what a allision equipped MTD which by all accounts I have read on the rv forums ,they typically claim 7-8 MPG.
I have gone camping in every place I ever did with my pick-up.
The performance is incredible ,you will go up any grade at any speed you desire- from a dead stop- you can climb and excel rate to the governed speed ,you can pass a slow mover on a grade by powering around them.
Jake-brake – engine brakes have more power because the engine displaces more -so more braking power,mine will slow the rig down from highway speed until 20 mph were you use the service brakes to full stop, no drama because you can see for miles. I have had companions ask ‘hit your brakes I don’t thinks the lights are working’.
Down sides? plenty
-ponderous slow to get moving and a pita as a daily driver ,but many do.
-no financing possible as far as I know
-not for you if you must have that ‘new truck smell’ it will out last 2 or 3 pick ups for me that is a 50,100K savings in the long run.
-cant keep it in a lot of subdivisions .
-if you want to be left alone in a campground – not going to happen- we are always giving tours,kids especially love to see inside.
any more questions?
I will keep a eye on this threadPosted: 11:05 AM – Dec 27, 2013I forgot to address your question on the models 610-630 (10’11”) or the full condo’s (13′). My trailer is 13′ high I have not cleaned bugs off it – ever -since we started using the Volvo (670) to pull with,that said I wanted a 630 for the lower profile – hard to find spec’ed the way rv’ers want .They typically ‘haul heavy’ ,tankers and steel rolls, so have generally short rear gears ,not ideal for our use.
Difficult to find but not impossible.I quickly got used to the hight and its not a issue,I would in fact rather have stuff brush the sleeper then the trailer.Posted: 2:40 PM – Dec 27, 2013I’ve read alot on Greggs website and watched some of the video’s. While I would love to buy a tractor from him, I don’t think those card $$ are in the works.
Haven’t thought about the gearing of the 630’s, I’ll start another search tonight for a 670-770 with the lowest(highest) gearing I can find. With the 12 speed (autoshift?) whats the difficulty doing a slow back to hook up?Posted: 4:48 PM – Dec 27, 2013No difficulty at all,in 2 years it has only ‘lurched’ once ,the day I picked up my trailer at the dealership.Here is the issue – the transmission / clutch will do exactly what your foot requests,idle is 500 rpm touch the peddle and the engagement starts by 700 rpm it will be fully engaged, a very careful and fine ‘feel’ is required.
My wife is very good at it because she has no preconceptions of big rig operation ,big rig drivers hate it because its not what is supposed to be,they will universally complain of a lack of control – not true just different type of control.
I have heard tell of very high mile drivers twisting the drive shaft or universals because I believe of frustration.My wife got in and drove smoother right off the bat then some oltimers (much smoother).
I back mine up 90% of the time alone and without a backup camera,its very very easy.One time last summer on a blindside and difficult back in I got for the first time the ‘clutch over temp’ alarm ,so I know that it can be slipped just as if you have a clutch peddle .
I also know that no rookie has ever abused the transmission or clutch,downside impossible to rock the truck if its stuck as far as I know.
As far as cost keep a eye on the dollar exchange its 6% now and could go more.Posted: 9:57 PM – Dec 27, 2013I agree with everything Farrman has stated,( he is a good friend of mine by the way with loads of info in that head of his) but I would never get a full manual, I thought about it when I was looking. I thank god I didn’t. Unlike Farrman’s rig though I do have a clutch peddle to start moving then the automatic part of the trany kicks in, I then have to use it when coming to a complete stop. I-shift would be great but pricey right now. So start looking and keep reading, there are lots out there both modded ready to go and ones you get to do yourself. Lots of room in the 670 ,I love the head room, double bunk bed, storage, fridge, ect….
I took a year to find mine, moved up from a 2006 F250 . I double towed my 32FWS with a 7 x 12 foot trailer with my motor bike and loads of other stuff inside it. Now I have the bike on the back of the truck bed and everything else inside the truck and trailer. A lot less stressful I will tell you that. Like I said I am not single so my milage is just a tad worse that Farrmans is.Posted: 9:10 AM – Dec 28, 2013I think I made matters worse last nite. hehehehe
Typed Volvo- 630- auto- into a google and had some choices, changes it to 670-770 and autoshift and had hundreds to choose from. This is going to be tough. I do like the idea of buying an already converted, rv-registered, ready to go truck. Any idea what the bottom price from Herrin Haulers is for a deck and winch set up?Posted: 9:14 AM – Dec 28, 2013It is funny though, Starting to think about the possibilities of this, I could immediately move 4-500 pounds of tools and spare stuff to the truck storage, opening the front 5’er storage for batteries for a solar setup.Posted: 11:22 AM – Dec 28, 2013Decks run from $400 wood beauties to a average $7500 (low side) herein hauler.
I am going with a local truck up fitter and have a simple flat deck in steel as soon as I decide on a vehicle to put up there, should be under $2000 depending on who builds the ramps/loading system.
eg wannabe’s was self built including loader with winch ask him what the total was- he was in a big hurry so fast and cheap get er done but it all works fine.Posted: 12:04 PM – Dec 28, 2013Forgot one thing you will want to do..might not be nessasaily depending on what state you live in. But take an Air brake course. Nice to know how things work and it takes away one more issue/excuse for not getting a ticket if you were to get pulled over and have to explain what you are all about. I run on a regular passenger licence. I also have my air brake…. z licence.
The truck is licences as a Private Motor Home here in Ontario Canada.Posted: 12:23 PM – Dec 28, 2013You can use also ‘freedom line’ ‘ultra shift’ when looking at auto’s the latest ultras are supposed to be almost as good as the ishift.
The pictures of inside the cab will tell the tale ,learn the difference between the autos by the shifter- keypad-stalk-cobra head etcPosted: 12:31 PM – Dec 28, 2013A&J’s Carrilite wrote:It is funny though, Starting to think about the possibilities of this, I could immediately move 4-500 pounds of tools and spare stuff to the truck storage, opening the front 5’er storage for batteries for a solar setup.Ya its nice to say to the wife when she asks ” can I bring this?” sure if it fits it comes along.
Wannabe and I load the truck as much as possible. BBQ ,genny,fuel,propane ,bikes whatever,my front axle is at 8440# the limit is 12,000 # so even singled short I could carry a Smart car ……….in front of the cab.Posted: 12:32 AM – Jul 04, 2014A&J’s Carrilite wrote:I’ve read about 50 pages of the HDT forum on Escapee’s., Been thru Jack Mayers site, read Mark and Dale’s site, and most all the others.
Even found Virgil’s truck for sale down in the Keys..(that would be a hard choice- live in the Florida Keys or fulltime!) Just digging for all the info I can on the “Is it right for us” part.
And the questions- Better to buy someone else’s rig and “try” it out for a year? I know we want to carry a Smart, so that leads to- Single long- short-mid? Mid looks best, most proportioned. I like the 610-630 cab height, but does the taller make any aero difference? It would be cheaper to buy Virgils truck, than build one from scratch, and either idea is alot cheaper than a new F450 or Dodge 3500.
I don’t mind shifting gears, but will the other half? Haven’t gotten that answer yet.
Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!I have been reading a lot on there also. I think a HDT would be best, but my wife thinks it would be to big and she would prefer a new truck. But I will keep reading and soaking in all of the advice. I plan on FTing in about 9 months.
Posted: 2:49 PM – Jul 05, 2014Wife was more concerned about looking foolish (what is that idiot up to now)many of the wives are hesitant for the same reason – until you get them to a rally .
Once they see nobody is going to laugh at them and all the other girls are normal , they are cool with it,and BTW its not big – only tall.
The ‘footprint’ is almost exactly the same as a long bed dually ,only square not a trapezoid like a big hipped pick up.
My wife who resisted for 2 years admitted “this is cool” takes little kids for tours ,sleeps for hours in the bunk generally turned it into her little house.
Show your wife the videos on line from the rallies ,we are all just normal folks .
As far as wanting new good for her and you but be aware it will not be ‘new ‘for long ,heavy trailers will age a pick up fast ,do you want to uy a new truck every 4-5 years ?
I don’t like pouring all my funds back into the economy that fast.
People ask me – bit overkill eh?-
I respond “is it overkill when its cheaper?”Posted: 8:02 AM – Nov 22, 2014Lil’ update!
We bought an HDT from an Escapee’s member and got it back to Texas this week!
It’s not everything we wanted, but the first 100 mile tow with it was fabulous. We ended up with a ’98 Volvo 610 that’s singled short and has a small deck on it. Not enough room for a Smart car yet, but a plasma cutter and welder can take care of that.
It pulled and rode so much better…. with the air hitch, air cab and seats, you float over the bumps and dips, If there was any chucking from the hitch you would never know. We got backed into the same site we left, which is pretty much parallel parking about 30ft off the road. The big rig made it much easier with the 50* wheel cut.Posted: 9:12 AM – Nov 22, 2014Now all you need is to get her ready and come on to the ECR in April for a great time. Told you that you would never look back once you come on over to the Dark side. It is a lot less stressfull running down the highway way up high with the wife sleeping in the back. Big brakes, huge engine, weight to weigh ration between tuck and trailer equalized, and all the pin weight that the trailer can handle without worring about crushing you truck!!!.Posted: 5:41 PM – Nov 22, 2014Nice when it all come together eh?
Get your ‘speech’ ready for all the questions.
And keep it aired up so the youngsters can blow the air horn.B.W.Gentry
2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
Breckenridge, TX
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