Sidewall cracking

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  • #30372
        I found a couple of old posts about my problem. I am posting this again in the advent there is more information out there.
        I have a 2008 Cameo. I recently saw a hair line crack on the left side, non-door side, at the forward corner of the bedroom slide. The crack is about 4 inches long on an approximate forward 45 degree angle. I pulled the panel behind the fifth wheel pin connection, loading and unloading the pin. I found all of the bolts between the iron frame and aluminum frame tight. I could see no moment, broken welds. I have always “heard” a little flex when lowering the RV onto my pick-up.
        My general question is, where is the most common location for these welds to break?

        I took a 1/16 inch grinder and reamed the crack. I have filled it with fiber glass epoxy two days ago. I leave for a short trip Thursday, 260 mile round trip and will see if the repair holds. I needed to make the repair from the outside. There seems to be frame behind the crack. I have also looked in the generator compartment and all of the welds also look good. I don’t have a generator and other than a one piece washer/dryer have not increased the pin weight much about factory.

        I would like to hear from anyone who has had this problem and where did you/they find the weakness? I will be off line when traveling during the first week of June 2017.

        Posted: 2:35 PM – May 30, 2017
        I always hear some creaking when lowering onto the truck but so far ( 3 years, about 10k miles, and 30 cycles. no issues.
        Hopefully you have not frame issues.
        That spot on the sidewall seems to be classic for cracks with many brands. A friend had a brand new Columbus that did the same thing. When they took it apart, turned out to be a frame cross member cut to long pressing on the sidewall. They ground it down and patched the fiberglass.
        Now I see a lot of new ones with a seem in that spot so it must be an ongoing issue.
        Hope yours is not a frame issue.

        Posted: 11:13 PM – May 30, 2017
        Winkeler wrote:I have a 2008 Cameo. I recently saw a hair line crack on the left side, non-door side, at the forward corner of the bedroom slide. The crack is about 4 inches long on an approximate forward 45 degree angle.

        You could be describing our F32SB2 perfectly. I noticed this crack on ours about 2 years ago and have been keeping a close eye on it ever since. The good news is that it doesn’t seem to be getting any worse. I sealed ours up with marine grade silicon to make sure no moisture entered via the crack. I does seem to open up ever so slightly when the weight is on the hitch.


        Posted: 11:51 PM – May 30, 2017
        I have seen some fifth wheels with a trim piece installed over an expansion joint. I know it was a problem with some Redwood fifth wheels a few years ago

        Posted: 8:13 AM – May 31, 2017
        Thank you all for the positive information. We are traveling to a State Park with no internet and will be off of the air for a while. In 10 years I have fixed a lot. I have a half installed AC, PPL have parts on back order. Whatever goes wrong, will be repaired.

        2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
        Breckenridge, TX

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