Slide out binding

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  • #68296
    van islandervan islander
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      I’m a new owner of a 2014 Lifestyle LS32FW and the small dining room slide seems to bind at the very top of the slide that slops up, almost like it is a bit too big for the opening, it really bogs down the motor. I always have the unit plugged in when operating the slides. I have tried spraying the rubber with silicone spray, but doesn’t seem to make much difference, the full wall slide moves in and out slowly but evenly, any thoughts ?

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    • #68298
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        Do you know if it has had the wiring upgrade done? If not that would probably help. We did ours after we bought it and it made a big difference. Our dining slide was struggling to come in before. If your fws is slow then definitely look into the wiring upgrade for it. There are good docs on this site for doing the upgrade.

        Best of luck to you and congrats on your rig !

        2015 Lifestyle Luxury RV LS36FW FBP
        2019 GMC 3500HD Denali Dually
        TrailerSaver TS3 air ride hitch

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          I can’t speak for the Lifestyle, but on the Cameo, there is a “lag” or almost a bind at the end / beginning of full extension because the slide actually picks up a few inches.

          van islandervan islander
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            Is the Lifestyle wiring upgrade the same as the Carriage, as the motor for the one slide is very hard to get to.

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              We have a 2014 36FW and our door side slide was hanging up coming in.  I added the wiring mod and in the process I found out the limit switches had never been adjusted and it was going out too far.  I added the relay mod and adjusted the actuator for the limit switches and it fixed the problem.


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                We have a 2013LS 36FW, purchased by us in 2019. Both slides were very slow to move when I looked at it. I thought the old owner had left them out in the park. I pulled down the rubber sealer underneath the slides and used the long thin tube and a can of silicon spray. and sprayed the roller area. worked it in. You should be able to see the roller marks  on the carpet, and (on mine) on the wood floor. We Cleaned the carpet after we bought it, but you might want to put some newspaper down to protect the carpet.

                van islandervan islander
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                  Cheers all, thanks for the ideas, does anyone know where to access the Lifestyle wiring upgrade info ?

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                    Van islander , these docs will be a good start.

                    Full Slide Fix Page 1 (From Old Forum)


                    2015 Lifestyle Luxury RV LS36FW FBP
                    2019 GMC 3500HD Denali Dually
                    TrailerSaver TS3 air ride hitch

                    Fran WinkelerFran Winkeler
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                      Side thought about roller. I use 18×24 inch clear acrylic sheets to stop wood floor damage from the slides. Easy to get at Home Depot and just store to a corner when at a park.

                      van islandervan islander
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                        jlsr, do you know where i could find a wiring diagram for the slide upgrade, I know I have seen it somewhere on this site, but a search turned up nothing.

                        van islandervan islander
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                          I’m having trouble locating the slide motor on the small dining room slide, I’ve looked under the trailer and in  the zipper compartment , but can’t see a motor, I can see the end where the gear and rack is , hope someone can help, thanks.

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                            Van Islander,

                            You need to push some insulation out of the way (push it to the side is best because tough to get it “pushed back out.”  I saw the rods and gears first, and then wires long before I saw the motor. Motor is much more outward than you would think given the location of the zipper opening.

                            Hope that helps.

                            Based in Florida except summer
                            2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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